
Construction of a new gas pipeline finished by Tbilisi Energy.

We would like to inform you that in connection with the preparatory work for the winter season, we have built a new, central D-700 mm gas pipeline in Samgori district for safe and continuous gas supply of the capital. The works of connecting the gas pipeline to the network will last 2 days, from October 22 at 9:00 to October 24 at 9:00. During the mentioned works, gas supply to 5000 subscribers in Samgori region will be temporarily suspended.

In particular, gas supply will be stopped - Kiziki St. 2, 3, 5, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, 9, 9a, 11, 11a, 12, 13/12, 14, 23, 34, Gumatgesi st. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16a, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20a, 21, 22, Engurhesi st. 1, 2, Tsiskarishvili Corp. A, B, C, F, E, D, I, Z, 2, 2A, 4, 5, 6, 8, Chichinadze st. 9, 10, 10a, 17, 19a, 19b, 21, 21a, 21b, 23, 23a, 25, 27, 29, 29b, 29g, 29d, 29e, 29v, 29z, 29i, 29m, Ich, IIch, IIIch, Adjacent to VI alley, Chichinadze 1 st. 3, Chichinadze Street, Avt. Lyceum 10, Idumala st. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, as well as Gumathesi, II Navtlugi, II Navtlugi Settlement 7th Street, Engurhesi, Giorgi Gurdjievi, Aleksidze, Luchrelidze, Nugzar Sajaya, Razikashvili, Zaza Damenia, Idumala, Chichinadze street and alley, Tsiskarishvili, Akaki Faghava street, lanes and alleys, Dimitri Ermakov, Afshinashvili, Korneli Sanadze street, alleys and lanes, Trisi, Gugushvili, c. Amirejibi, Enukidze, b. Beria, Turashauli, Doborjginidze, Kiziki, Zaalishvili, Kiziki 1 and 2 streets, entrance to Kiziki II, part of the private sector population living in Horticulture, Aladasturi, as well as gas supply to small and large businesses located in the said area will be stopped. Commercial facilities: "Ambry" LLC, "Road Solution" LLC, "ECHO MIX" LLC, "Lucho" LLC (Tazi" LLC, "Anag" LLC" (Col Group LLC), "Coll Group" LLC "Bora", "Animal Monitoring Agency" (Spectri LLC), "Geocoop" LLC, "Bravo" LLC (ab:), I/M "Kote" Tsipuria" LLC "Aversi-Pharma # 100"), LLC "G and G Group" (AB:), LLC "Teleport Georgia" LLC, "Kautiv" LLC, LLC "Tela-90" (AB:), i. M. Guladi Okroshidze (ab: I. M. Zurab Solomnishvili (Agiorgi Solomnishvili (Prof. Teacher of Tbilisi) (I/M Ketevan Pkhakadze (SSC. Motorist), Kindergarten # 72 (AB: public school) and #, LLC "Beverly Group) "Shen Georgia LLC" "Ecology Service" (AB LLC "Hebari" (AB: Store Fairy) LLC "Meridian" (AB:), "SOCAR Georgia Gas Distribution" JSC, "Aido Group" LLC, MIA facility, "Smart" LLC (Ab:Georgia National Bank Medical Support and Technology LLC (Gora LLC) "Amma" (Komagi LLC) (Sante LLC), Espresso Georgia LLC (Kiziq LLC) (Neva LLC), Intergan 2 LLC, Tanadgadi 1 LLC (Knauf LLC) Gibbs Georgia (Akhalia), JSC "Sakantikosi", LLC, "Dzheoliti" (Ab:), F/P Omar Sikmashvili ("Millennium Builders Group" LLC, LLC "Gumi" (to the VII department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Isani-Samgori district), "Business Service" LLC - concrete factory, "In-C" LLC - metal constructions factory (to "Okros Khel" LLC located on Enukidze Street, "Special Montage" LLC, "Gidies" LLC) "Modus" LLC, "T and K Restaurant" LLC (ab: McDonalds), "Automobilist" LLC (ab: "Rodopolis" LLC on Chichinadze Street - "Hazelnath 1997" LLC on Kizigi Street - LLC, "Supervet", LLC "Meridian" (ab: JSC "Meolith", LLC "Tisupapers" LLC, "Kavka Metals" LLC, "Georgian Metals" LLC, "Agis" LLC "Georgia Plus" (at 8 Zhores St. - MIA facility, at 13 Zhores St. - "Geo-Japmotpors" LLC, "Geofert" LLC" (Euro Drip LLC), "Impexfarm" LLC (Nugi-"GEO Group" LLC and others.

The restoration of gas supply will begin on Monday, October 24 from 09:00 and it will end before 20:00. The company Tbilisi Energy apologizes for being created for discomfort. The new gas pipeline will significantly improve the capital gas supply and safe delivery.